Message from head manger

Today, in the shadow of the development of practical management in the world, it has been proven that developed people create developed organizations and developed organizations create a powerful and developed country. This issue is due to continuity in all-round development. In other words, if there is discontinuity in the dimensions of development in different units of society (family, external environment and organizations), comprehensive national development cannot be expected at the country level.

Therefore, in order to realize national development, it seems necessary to transform organizations into universities in order to produce and accumulate experience and bring to the fore all new scientific theories. Because in this way, the logical cycle of theory-practice is closed and will cause more and more development.

It is obvious that all organizations have had economic development and profit increase in their hearts for a long time, but it is necessary to nurture people and transfer authentic organizational culture to the social environment, from the gradual growth of the surrounding environment and society, as well as from the reduction and control of side effects. The activities of that industry ensure the surrounding environment as well. By promoting and establishing the culture of the learning organization in the company, Arvand Tukan Petrorefining Company plans to develop the culture of learning people and the learning family based on the AMIF/MAMIF model, while planning for the development of original organizational capitals (that is, human capital). Identifying the basic needs of the beneficiaries (society, shareholders, employees, customers and suppliers) has an effective role in the development of the society in order to take steps to reduce the cultural and economic differences of the surrounding environment and society while respecting the rights of citizens and environmental regulations. In this way, it will ensure sustainable development in all aspects.